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Can I use third-party file sharing tools that collect personal information in Illinois? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, if you are using third-party file sharing tools that collect personal information in Illinois, you must ensure that the personal information is protected from unauthorized access, acquisition, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure [2.1]. Additionally, if you are a data collector that owns or licenses personal information concerning an Illinois resident, you must notify the resident at no charge if there has been a breach of the security of the system data following discovery or notification of the breach [2.3]. The notification must be made in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, consistent with any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable integrity, security, and confidentiality of the data system.
It is important to note that the use of third-party file sharing tools that collect personal information may require compliance with other regulations, such as the Limits on Redisclosure and Reuse of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information [1.1], Limits on Sharing Account Number Information for Marketing Purposes [1.2], Limits on Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information to Nonaffiliated Third Parties [1.4], and Filing [3.1].
Therefore, before using third-party file sharing tools that collect personal information in Illinois, it is recommended that you review the relevant regulations and ensure compliance with all applicable requirements.
- [1.1] Limits on Redisclosure and Reuse of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information
- [1.2] Limits on Sharing Account Number Information for Marketing Purposes
- [2.1] 815 ILCS 530/45
- [3.1] 215 ILCS 157/40
- [1.4] Limits on Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information to Nonaffiliated Third Parties
- [2.3] 815 ILCS 530/10