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Can I use third-party collaboration tools that collect personal information in Kentucky? What are the requirements?
Based on the available documents, it is important to note that Kentucky has regulations in place to protect personal information, including criminal history record information and confidential client information. However, without additional information about the specific third-party collaboration tools and the personal information they collect, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.
It is recommended that you review the terms and conditions of the third-party collaboration tools to determine what personal information they collect and how they use it. Additionally, you may want to consult with a legal professional to ensure that your use of these tools complies with all applicable laws and regulations in Kentucky.
If you are collecting or using federal tax information (FTI), it is important to note that KRS 336.125 requires criminal background checks for prospective and current employees, including contract staff, with access to or use of FTI [1.2].
If you are exchanging criminal justice information via the LINK system, you must enter into a Criminal Justice Information Exchange User Agreement contract [4.1].
If you are disclosing confidential client information for state and regional interagency councils, you must comply with the requirements for protecting the confidentiality of information about a child [3.1].
If you are disseminating criminal history record information, you must comply with the conditions required for the dissemination of data from the criminal history record information system [2.1].
If you are auditing the centralized criminal history record information system, you must comply with the requirements for audits of the centralized criminal history record information system and law enforcement and criminal justice agencies that submit or receive criminal history record information [2.3].
In summary, it is important to review the terms and conditions of the third-party collaboration tools and consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in Kentucky.
- [1.2] Employee access to or use of federal tax information; required criminal background check. [Proposed]
- [2.1] Dissemination of criminal history record information. [Proposed]
- [2.3] Audit of Criminal History Record Information System. [Proposed]
- [3.1] Disclosure of confidential client information for state and regional interagency councils. [Current]
- [4.1] LINK user agencies to initiate agreement with satellite agencies. [Current]