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Can I use images or videos from other websites on my website in South Dakota? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, it is important to note that South Dakota law requires noncollecting retailers to provide notice that South Dakota use tax is due on nonexempt purchases of tangible personal property, services, or products transferred electronically and shall be paid by the South Dakota purchaser [1.3]. The notice shall be readily visible and contain specific information [1.3].
Regarding the use of images or videos from other websites on your website in South Dakota, there are no specific requirements mentioned in the provided documents. However, it is important to note that South Dakota law requires noncollecting retailers to provide notice on their website regarding South Dakota sales and use tax information [1.1].
It is recommended that you consult with a legal professional to ensure that your use of images or videos from other websites complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
In summary, while there are no specific requirements mentioned in the provided documents regarding the use of images or videos from other websites on your website in South Dakota, it is important to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including providing notice regarding South Dakota sales and use tax information on your website if you are a noncollecting retailer.
- [1.1] Notice on website–Notice in catalog.
- [1.3] Notice of use tax due on purchases of tangible personal property, services, or products transferred electronically.
South Dakota