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Can I store personal information about my customers in Mississippi? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, there are specific requirements for storing personal information in Mississippi.
Requirements for Storing Personal Information
According to MSCO 25-62-3, public agencies are prohibited from requiring certain Section 501(c) entities to provide personal information. If a public agency possesses personal information, it cannot release, publicize, or otherwise disclose that information without the express written permission of every identified member, supporter, volunteer, or donor of the Section 501(c) entity as well as the Section 501(c) entity that received their membership, support, volunteer time, or donations. Personal information is also exempt from disclosure under the Mississippi Public Records Act.
Additionally, Rule 5.4 of 30 MSAC Part 603 Chapter 5 requires that all proprietary information in possession of the Board shall be maintained in a secure area and in files marked “CONFIDENTIAL.”
Based on the documents provided, it is possible to store personal information in Mississippi, but there are specific requirements that must be followed. Personal information cannot be disclosed without express written permission, and it must be stored in a secure area marked as confidential.