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Can I skip verifying consumer requests in Ohio? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it is not possible to skip verifying consumer requests in Ohio. OHAC Rule 109:4-1-07 states that the public may obtain information which is a matter of public record or which is otherwise available under Chapter 1345 of the Revised Code or other controlling provisions thereof by requesting the information either by letter, telephone, internet or in person. Requests should be presented to the office of the Ohio attorney general consumer protection section in Columbus, Ohio [1.2]. OHAC Rule 109:4-1-06 also states that complaints may be initiated either in writing, by telephone, fax, the internet or in person. Complaints should fully describe the consumer transaction. The consumer protection section shall proceed as soon as possible to evaluate complaints received that contain adequate information. The consumer protection shall send a complaint form to the complainant when, as determined by the attorney general, inadequate information is provided by letter, telephone, fax, the internet or in person [1.3].
OHAC Rule 109:4-4-03 outlines the duties of a warrantor, including the requirement to comply with the provisions of the rule to qualify a board to hear its warranty disputes. The warrantor shall not incorporate into the terms of a written warranty a board that fails to comply with the requirements contained in this chapter. The warrantor shall disclose clearly and conspicuously at least the following information on the face of the written warranty and on a sign posted in a conspicuous place within that area of the warrantor’s agent’s place of business to which consumers are directed by the warrantor: a statement of the availability of the board, the board’s name, address, and a telephone number which consumers may use without charge, and a statement of the requirement that the consumer resort to a qualified board before initiating a legal action under the act, together with a disclosure that, if a consumer chooses to seek redress by pursuing rights and remedies not created by the act, resort to the board would not be required by any provision of the act [2.1].
The purpose of the office of the Ohio attorney general, consumer protection section is to protect the consuming public and to promote compliance by suppliers and other persons within its jurisdiction by enforcing various laws, including but not limited to the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act, sections 1345.01 to 1345.13 of the Revised Code, and any other state and/or federal laws designed to protect the rights of the consuming public consistent with the legal authority of the office of the attorney general [1.4].
Therefore, it is necessary to follow the procedures outlined in the OHAC rules and comply with the laws enforced by the Ohio attorney general, consumer protection section to verify consumer requests and complaints.
- [2.1] Duties of warrantor.
- [1.2] Obtaining information.
- [1.3] Submission of complaints.
- [1.4] Purpose of the office of the Ohio attorney general, consumer protection section.