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Can I skip training employees on CCPA compliance in Georgia? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, there are no specific training requirements for CCPA compliance in Georgia. However, it is important to note that the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is a California state law and applies to businesses that meet certain criteria, regardless of their location. Therefore, if your business meets the criteria and collects personal information of California residents, you may need to comply with CCPA regulations. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional to determine your specific obligations under CCPA.
[1.2] provides training requirements for licensees and registrants in Georgia, but it does not mention CCPA compliance training. Similarly, [1.3], [1.5], [1.6], and [1.9] provide training requirements for other industries in Georgia, but they do not mention CCPA compliance training.
In summary, there are no specific training requirements for CCPA compliance in Georgia, but businesses that collect personal information of California residents may need to comply with CCPA regulations.
- [1.2] Training
- [1.3] Suspension or Revocation of Certificates of Compliance
- [1.5] Georgia Interior Quarantine Requirements
- [1.6] Shotgun Training
- [1.9] Training
Georgia, Georgia