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Can I sell personal information without obtaining consent in Maryland? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, selling personal information without obtaining consent in Maryland is generally not allowed.
Written Consent Required to Disclose Personal Information
According to MDCR 13A.11.06.09, the Division shall obtain written consent from an applicant or eligible individual or the individual’s representative before disclosing personal information to another person, except as provided in Regulation .11 of this chapter.
Exemption from Notice and Opt Out Requirements for Nonpublic Personal Financial Information
MDCR states that a licensee is not subject to the notice and opt-out requirements for nonpublic personal financial information of this chapter if certain conditions are met.
Other Exceptions to Notice and Opt Out Requirements for Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information
MDCR provides other exceptions to notice and opt-out requirements for disclosure of nonpublic personal financial information, but these exceptions are limited to specific circumstances.
Limits on Redisclosure and Reuse of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information
MDCR limits the redisclosure and reuse of nonpublic personal financial information.
Circumstances Under Which Written Consent Is Not Required to Disclose Personal Information
MDCR 13A.11.06.11 provides circumstances under which written consent is not required to disclose personal information, but these circumstances are limited to specific situations.
Authorizations for Disclosure of Health Information
MDCR requires a valid authorization to disclose nonpublic personal health information pursuant to this regulation.
Relationship to Maryland Laws
MDCR states that this chapter does not preempt or supersede existing State law related to medical records, health information privacy, or insurance information privacy.
Based on the documents provided, it is clear that Maryland has strict regulations regarding the disclosure of personal information. In general, written consent is required before disclosing personal information to another person. There are some exceptions to this rule, but they are limited to specific circumstances. Therefore, selling personal information without obtaining consent in Maryland is generally not allowed.