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Can I disclose personal information for a business purpose without complying with CCPA in Missouri? What are the requirements?
Based on the context documents, Missouri has its own privacy laws that govern the disclosure of personal information. The Personal Privacy Protection Act (PPPA) [4] prohibits public agencies from disclosing personal information, except in certain circumstances listed under subsection 4 of the act. Therefore, if you are a public agency, you cannot disclose personal information for a business purpose without complying with the PPPA.
However, it is unclear from the context documents whether the PPPA applies to private entities. Therefore, to determine the requirements for disclosing personal information for a business purpose as a private entity in Missouri, you may need to consult with a legal expert or refer to other relevant laws and regulations.
[2] establishes provisions relating to the disclosure of personal information, but it is limited to court records and does not provide guidance on disclosing personal information for a business purpose.
[5] repeals several sections of Missouri law, including the PPPA, but it does not provide any new guidance on disclosing personal information.
[7] modifies provisions relating to business entities, but it does not provide any new guidance on disclosing personal information.
Therefore, it is recommended that you consult with a legal expert or refer to other relevant laws and regulations to determine the requirements for disclosing personal information for a business purpose as a private entity in Missouri.
- [2] Establishes provisions relating to the disclosure of personal information
- [4] Modifies privacy protections
- [7] Modifies provisions relating to business entities