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Can I disclose personal information for a business purpose without complying with CCPA in Maryland? What are the requirements?
Based on the information provided in the context documents, it is unclear whether personal information can be disclosed for a business purpose without complying with CCPA in Maryland. However, there are certain circumstances under which written consent is not required to disclose personal information, as outlined in MDCR 13A.11.06.11. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, disclosures made to agencies, organizations, or individuals with whom the Division has formal cooperative agreements or from whom the individual is requesting or receiving services connected with the individual’s rehabilitation program, disclosures made in connection with an administrative or judicial proceeding to review an action of the Division affecting the individual, and disclosures made in response to a law enforcement, fraud, or abuse investigation, unless expressly prohibited by federal or State laws or regulations.
It is important to note that the Division must maintain a record within the applicant’s or eligible individual’s record of services of each disclosure made without the written consent of the individual, except for disclosures made pursuant to certain circumstances outlined in MDCR 13A.11.06.11.
If the personal information in question pertains to medical cannabis, it cannot be distributed if it does not comply with any provision of the Health-General Article, Title 13, Subtitle 33, Annotated Code of Maryland or MDCR
If the personal information in question pertains to an individual who is the applicant, a director, officer, or key management individual with the applicant, a partner of the applicant, or an owner of an interest in the applicant of 2 percent or more, the application documents must include certain personal and background information, as outlined in MDCR and MDCR
If the personal information in question pertains to court officials, there are certain provisions in place to protect their personal information, as outlined in HB0536.
In summary, it is important to review the specific circumstances and regulations surrounding the disclosure of personal information for a business purpose in Maryland to determine the requirements and ensure compliance.