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Can I collect third-party data from participants in Montana? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it is unclear what type of third-party data you are referring to. However, Montana has specific laws related to collecting ballots and voter information.
If you are referring to collecting ballots, Montana law defines “collect” as “to gain possession or control of a ballot” [2.2]. It is illegal to collect ballots from voters, except for certain individuals such as family members, household members, or caregivers [2.2].
If you are referring to collecting voter information, Montana law requires identification for voting at the polling place. Acceptable forms of identification include a Montana driver’s license, Montana state identification card, military identification card, tribal photo identification card, United States passport, Montana concealed carry permit, or a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government document that shows the elector’s name and current address [3.1].
It is important to note that Montana has specific laws related to ballot interference and voter fraud. The Montana Ballot Interference Prevention Act prohibits certain activities related to ballot collection and handling [2.1].
Therefore, it is recommended that you consult with a legal professional to ensure that you are in compliance with Montana law when collecting any type of third-party data from participants.
[2.1]: MTCO 13-35-701 [3.1]: MTAR 44.3.2102 [2.2]: MTCO 13-35-702
- [2.1] Short title
- [2.2] Definitions