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Can I collect third-party data from participants in Maryland? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, you may collect third-party data from entities other than State or local agencies if the data collected by that entity is permissible student data or workforce data, is determined to be accurate and reliable, and is approved for inclusion by the Governing Board [1.1]. However, the Center may not collect, use, or warehouse data that is not listed in a data inventory approved by the Governing Board [1.2]. The data inventory must specify each data element collected and warehoused in the system, the source of the data, the date range for the data, and any data element that has been removed upon determination that it is no longer necessary to carry out the mission of the Center [1.2].
To collect third-party data, the Center must ensure that the data collected is permissible student data or workforce data, is determined to be accurate and reliable, and is approved for inclusion by the Governing Board. The Center must also ensure that the data is listed in the data inventory approved by the Governing Board [1.1][1.2].
Therefore, to collect third-party data from participants in Maryland, you must ensure that the data collected is permissible student data or workforce data, is determined to be accurate and reliable, is approved for inclusion by the Governing Board, and is listed in the data inventory approved by the Governing Board.
- [1.1] Data Source.
- [1.2] Data Inventory.