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Can I collect race information from participants in Oregon? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, it appears that you may collect race information from participants in Oregon, but you must meet certain requirements.
To be eligible to operate a race meet with a license issued under ORS 462, you must be the owner or control the possession of a properly constructed race track suitable for the class of races which are proposed to be conducted at such race track and improved with safe and suitable grandstands, equipped with reasonably sanitary accommodations, adequate stables for livestock together with adequate fire protection equipment, and such other proper improvements as in the judgment of the Oregon Racing Commission may be required, taking into consideration the location of such race track and the probable capacity requirements to accommodate the crowd and the number of people that will reasonably be expected to occupy the grandstands and attend the race meets [2.1].
Race meet licenses granted by the Oregon Racing Commission shall be limited to licenses for horse and mule race meets (Class A) and licenses for greyhound race meets (Class B). No licensee shall be granted licenses of both classes nor shall licenses be issued for more than one class of racing on the same race course, track or location. The license shall specify the number of days the race meet shall continue and the number of races per day [1.2].
All licensees of race meets except those subject to ORS 462.057 and 462.062 shall make payments as follows: (1) License fee – $100 per racing day, payable to the Oregon Racing Commission. (2) Percentage of gross mutuel wagering payable to the commission – 1.6 percent [1.3].
Therefore, you may collect race information from participants in Oregon, but you must ensure that you meet the requirements set forth by the Oregon Racing Commission, including being eligible to operate a race meet with a license issued under ORS 462, obtaining the appropriate race meet license, and making the necessary payments.
- [2.1] Qualifications for eligibility of race meet operator.
- [1.2] Race meet licenses, classes, limitations, contents; rules.
- [1.3] License and other fees for race meets not subject to ORS 462.057 and 462.062.