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Can I collect pixel information from participants in North Dakota? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, it is unclear what you mean by “pixel information.” If you are referring to collecting data on the use of pixels on a website or application, it is possible that this could fall under the category of “protected health information” or “environmental resources information,” depending on the context. However, it is important to note that there are strict security requirements for accessing and disclosing this type of information in North Dakota, as outlined in NDAC Section 10-18-01-04. Additionally, any use or disclosure of protected health information must be approved and comply with the regulations outlined in NDAC Section 113-02-01-05. If you are collecting information related to surface water or vegetation, you may need to provide detailed descriptions and maps of the areas in question, as well as information on monitoring procedures and data collection methods, as outlined in NDAC Sections 69-05.2-08-07 and 69-05.2-08-08.
Without more specific information on what you mean by “pixel information,” it is difficult to provide a more detailed answer. If you can provide more context or clarification on what type of information you are collecting and for what purpose, I may be able to provide more specific guidance.
North Dakota