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Can I collect personal information from participants in New York? What are the requirements?
Here are the requirements for collecting personal information from participants in New York:
Requirements for Collecting Personal Information in New York
If you plan to collect personal information from participants in New York, you must comply with the Personal Privacy Protection Law (PPPL) [3.1][2.2]. The PPPL applies to all state agencies, including the New York State Council on the Arts [3.1], the Department of Economic Development [2.2], and the Department of Health [6.1].
The PPPL requires that personal information be collected directly from the data subject whenever practicable [4.2]. If you need to collect personal information indirectly, you must provide the data subject with a notice containing specific information [4.2].
All requests for personal information must be made in writing [1.1][2.1][4.1][3.2][5.1][6.1]. The request must reasonably describe the records and personal information sought [1.1][2.1][4.1][3.2][5.1][6.1]. Whenever possible, the data subject should supply identifying information that assists the authority in locating the records or personal information sought [1.1][2.1][3.2][5.1][6.1].
Within five business days of the receipt of a request, the authority must provide access to the record or personal information, deny access in writing explaining the reasons therefor, or acknowledge the receipt of the request in writing, stating the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied [1.1][3.2][5.1][6.1].
If a data subject requests to review and obtain a copy of a record or personal information, the authority must permit a person of the data subject’s choosing to accompany the data subject, provided that the authority may require the data subject to furnish a written statement authorizing discussion of the record or personal information in the accompanying person’s presence [1.1].
To collect personal information from participants in New York, you must comply with the Personal Privacy Protection Law and follow the requirements outlined in the relevant documents.
- [1.1] Requests for records and personal information.
- [2.1] Requests for records.
- [3.1] Purpose and scope.
- [4.1] Requests for records.
- [3.2] Requests for records.
- [2.2] Purpose.
- [5.1] Requests for records.
- [4.2] Collection of information.
- [6.1] Requests for public access to records.
New York