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Can I collect personal information from my customers in California in Georgia? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, it is possible to collect personal information from customers in California and Georgia. However, there are specific requirements that must be followed.
In California, the disclosure of nonpublic personal information is regulated by 10 CACR Section 2689.3, which states that such information shall not be disclosed in a manner not permitted by California law or regulations. Additionally, any information provided by a customer for the issuance, renewal, reinstatement of a driver’s license, permit, or identification card or other services provided by the Department is subject to verification, and the Department shall make copies or digital images of any documents presented by a customer for such purposes for use in such verification [4.3].
In Georgia, the collection and disclosure of personal information is regulated by GARR Rule 80-14-1-.05 and GARR Rule 80-4-1-.08, which require licensees to provide notice to the Department in the event of an information security incident involving unauthorized access to personal information. Additionally, a business that satisfies the definition of an information broker is required to provide notice to Georgia residents in the event of a data breach that results in access or likely access to unencrypted personal information. In the event a licensee or an affiliate of a licensee is required to make such notification to Georgia residents, then a duplicate of the notification will simultaneously be submitted to the Department [1.1][2.1].
Therefore, if you collect personal information from customers in California and Georgia, you must comply with the relevant regulations and provide notice to the Department in the event of a data breach. Additionally, you must verify the information provided by the customer and make copies or digital images of any documents presented by a customer for such purposes for use in such verification.
- [1.1] Notice of Unauthorized Access to Personal Information
- [2.1] Notice of Unauthorized Access to Personal Information
- [4.3] Verification of Customer Information. Revised
Georgia, Georgia, California