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Can I collect passport numbers from participants in Mississippi? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, there is no requirement for collecting passport numbers from participants in Mississippi for voter registration or identification purposes. The only documentation required for issuance of the Mississippi Voter Identification Card are listed in Rule 3.5(B) of 1 MSAC Part 16 Chapter 3 Rule 3.5, which includes photo identity documents, birth certificates, social security cards, Medicare cards, Medicaid cards, utility bills, bank statements, paychecks, government checks, and other government documents that show the elector’s name and principal residential address issued within the current calendar year. If an elector cannot present any of the listed forms of documentation, the Registrar may electronically verify the elector’s birth information through EVVE. Therefore, collecting passport numbers is not a requirement for voter registration or identification in Mississippi [2.1][2.2][2.3].
However, it is important to note that the Mississippi Voter Identification Card is only issued to eligible electors who do not currently possess Acceptable Photographic Identification as defined in Rule 1.1(A) [2.4]. Additionally, the Registrar may cancel and require surrender of a Mississippi Voter Identification Card upon confirmation the card was issued to a person not entitled thereto [2.6]. If a previously issued Mississippi Voter Identification Card has been lost, destroyed, marred or mutilated, the name of the elector has changed, or the gender of the elector has changed, a replacement Mississippi Voter Identification Card may be issued to the elector in accordance with Rules 3.3 through 3.6 [2.7].
- [2.1] Application for Mississippi Voter Identification Card.
- [2.2] Availability of Mississippi Voter Identification Card.
- [2.3] Processing the Application for Mississippi Voter Identification Card.
- [2.4] Eligibility for Issuance of the Mississippi Voter Identification Card.
- [2.6] Cancellation and Surrender of Mississippi Voter Identification Card.
- [2.7] Replacement of Mississippi Voter Identification Card.