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Can I collect location information from participants in Rhode Island? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it is unclear what type of location information you are referring to and for what purpose you want to collect it. However, there are some general requirements for collecting personal information in Rhode Island.
Under Rhode Island law, any entity that collects personal information from Rhode Island residents must comply with the state’s data breach notification law and take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality and security of the information [2.1]. Additionally, the Access to Public Records Act allows members of the public to access public records maintained by state agencies, including the Department of Public Safety, by making a request consistent with the Department’s access to public records guidelines [2.2].
If you are collecting location information from participants, you may need to obtain their consent and provide them with notice about how their information will be used and shared. The Rhode Island Identity Theft Protection Act requires businesses that collect personal information to provide notice to individuals at the time of collection [2.1].
It is recommended that you consult with a legal professional to ensure that you are complying with all applicable laws and regulations when collecting location information from participants in Rhode Island.
- [2.1] Procedure for Requesting Public Records
- [2.2] Scope
Rhode Island