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Can I collect location information from participants in Oregon? What are the requirements?
Requirements for Collecting Location Information from Participants in Oregon
If you are collecting location information from participants in Oregon, you must comply with the state’s privacy laws. Oregon has a comprehensive set of laws governing the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information, including location information.
Under Oregon law, location information is considered personal information [ORS 646A.602(5)]. As such, you must obtain the participant’s consent before collecting their location information [ORS 646A.622]. The consent must be informed, meaning that you must provide the participant with a clear and concise explanation of the purpose for which the location information will be used, as well as any third parties with whom the information will be shared [ORS 646A.622(2)].
Additionally, you must take reasonable steps to safeguard the location information from unauthorized access, acquisition, or disclosure [ORS 646A.622(3)]. If there is a breach of security that compromises the confidentiality of the location information, you must notify the affected individuals in accordance with Oregon’s data breach notification law [ORS 646A.604].
It is important to note that these requirements apply to both private and public entities that collect location information from individuals in Oregon.