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Can I collect IP addresses from participants in Mississippi? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, it is unclear whether collecting IP addresses from participants in Mississippi is allowed or not. None of the documents explicitly mention IP addresses or their collection. However, there are some relevant requirements that should be considered:
- Rule 4.2 of 13 MSAC Part 15 Chapter 4 requires operators to collect player information necessary to verify that the player is located in Mississippi. It is unclear whether this includes collecting IP addresses.
- Rule 5.3 of 36 MSAC Part 1 Chapter 5 requires Internet-facing servers that reside on the State Network to be properly secured to preserve the integrity of the network. Inbound connections from the Internet or any third party network will be made using HTTP or HTTPS through enterprise reverse proxy devices in the ITS DMZ. This rule does not explicitly mention IP addresses or their collection.
- Rule 8.1 of 36 MSAC Part 1 Chapter 8 requires ITS to maintain a perimeter firewall between the State Network and the Internet. Inbound connections from the Internet will be restricted to only ports TCP 80 and TCP 443, for only HTTP and HTTPS protocols. No other inbound-initiated ports will be allowed to servers residing on the State Network unless entering the state network over a VPN. This rule does not explicitly mention IP addresses or their collection.
- Rule 4.3 of 13 MSAC Part 15 Chapter 4 requires licensed operators to maintain a cash reserve and segregated account for the benefit and protection of the funds held in player accounts. This rule does not mention IP addresses or their collection.
- Rule 7.2 of 13 MSAC Part 3 Chapter 7 requires a licensee to not enter into a contract with a junket representative for services until the junket representative has been investigated and issued a junket representative permit from the Commission. This rule does not mention IP addresses or their collection.
Therefore, it is recommended to consult with a legal expert or the relevant authorities in Mississippi to determine whether collecting IP addresses from participants in Mississippi is allowed and what are the requirements.