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Can I collect health information from participants in Missouri? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, you can collect health information from participants in Missouri as long as you comply with the relevant regulations.
To register for providing volunteer health care services in Missouri, a sponsoring organization must submit a registration fee of fifty dollars and file a registration form with the Department of Health and Senior Services [1.2]. The sponsoring organization must also file a quarterly voluntary services report with the department during the current quarter that lists all licensed health care providers who provided voluntary health care services during the preceding quarter. The sponsoring organization shall maintain on file for five years following the date of service additional information, including the date, place, and type of services provided [1.2].
Additionally, if you are conducting anonymous HIV testing, you must use a coded system that does not link individual identity with the request or result when reporting the results of such testing to the department of health and senior services [1.4].
If you are providing non-pharmaceutical behavioral health services, you must follow the prior authorization process established by the MO HealthNet Division to ensure that services are medically necessary, appropriate, and cost-effective. The MO HealthNet non-pharmaceutical behavioral health services prior authorization advisory committee, composed of practicing clinicians who are also licensed in their respective fields, advises the MO HealthNet Division on this process [3.1].
Therefore, to collect health information from participants in Missouri, you must comply with the registration and reporting requirements for volunteer health care services, use a coded system for reporting anonymous HIV testing results, and follow the prior authorization process for non-pharmaceutical behavioral health services.
- [1.2] Registration with department required, fee, contents — quarterly reports — list of providers — recordkeeping requirements — rulemaking authority.
- [1.4] Anonymous testing sites in central Missouri, Kansas City, Springfield and St. Louis — reports of results, use of coded system — contact notification required, when.
- [3.1] Prior Authorization Committee for Non-Pharmaceutical Behavioral Health Services