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Can I collect gender information from participants in Louisiana? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, there are no specific requirements or restrictions on collecting gender information from participants in Louisiana. However, it is important to note that any information collected must be done in compliance with applicable federal and state laws, including privacy and anti-discrimination laws.
If the collection of gender information is being done in the context of working with children as a volunteer or paid employee, the organization may be required to comply with certain criminal background check requirements outlined in LARS § 15.587.1.1. This includes requesting criminal history information pertaining to an individual applying for a position of supervisory or disciplinary authority over children in a child care facility.
Additionally, if the collection of gender information is being done in the context of working with the Division of Administration, Office of Technology Services, who have access to criminal history record information or state-issued REAL ID information, the organization may be required to comply with certain criminal background check requirements outlined in LARS § 15.587.6. This includes requiring individuals to submit to a criminal history records check to be conducted by the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information.
Overall, it is recommended that organizations consult with legal counsel to ensure that any information collection practices are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Therefore, to answer your question, there are no specific requirements for collecting gender information from participants in Louisiana, but organizations must comply with applicable laws and regulations. [1.3][1.4].
- [1.3] Division of administration, office of technology services; access to criminal history information or state-issued REAL ID Information
- [1.4] Portability of criminal history information for licensed child care facilities