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Can I collect driver's license numbers from participants in Georgia? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, it is unclear whether collecting driver’s license numbers from participants in Georgia is allowed or not. However, there are some relevant documents that provide guidance on the collection of personal information.
Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
This document provides general rules and regulations for the state of Georgia, but it does not specifically address the collection of driver’s license numbers.
This document provides rules for insurance companies operating in Georgia, but it does not address the collection of driver’s license numbers.
This document provides rules for tax returns and collections in Georgia, but it does not address the collection of driver’s license numbers.
Current Income Tax Payment
This document provides rules for current income tax payments in Georgia, but it does not address the collection of driver’s license numbers.
Income Taxes
This document provides rules for income taxes in Georgia, but it does not address the collection of driver’s license numbers.
This document provides rules for the income tax division in Georgia, but it does not address the collection of driver’s license numbers.
Georgia Code
The Georgia Code contains laws and regulations for the state of Georgia, but it does not specifically address the collection of driver’s license numbers.
Based on the documents provided, it is unclear whether collecting driver’s license numbers from participants in Georgia is allowed or not. It is recommended to consult with a legal expert or the relevant authorities to determine the requirements for collecting personal information in Georgia.
Georgia, Georgia