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Can I collect device information from participants in West Virginia? What are the requirements?
Based on the context documents provided, it appears that there are specific requirements for businesses that use weighing or measuring devices in commercial transactions for the sale of goods or products to the public in West Virginia. However, it is unclear what type of device information you are looking to collect from participants.
If you are looking to collect information about weighing or measuring devices, businesses are required to register each device with the Division prior to placing the device in service and annually thereafter [1.1][1.2].
If you are looking to collect information about covered electronic devices, there are specific storage, handling, recycling, and disposal requirements that must be followed [2.1][2.2].
It is important to note that failure to register weighing and measuring devices or having an expired certificate of device registration may result in civil penalties [1.3].
Without more specific information about the type of device information you are looking to collect, it is difficult to provide a more detailed answer.
- [1.1] Device Registration Required.
- [2.1] Covered Electronic Device
- [1.2] Device Registration Application; Renewal.
- [2.2] General Requirements Governing Covered Electronic Devices.
- [1.3] Failure to Register; Expired Certificate of Device Registration.
West Virginia