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Can I collect debit card information from participants in Washington? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, you can collect debit card information from participants in Washington, but there are restrictions on the information that can appear on a card receipt.
Restrictions on Credit and Debit Card Receipts
According to WARC 19.200.010, no person that accepts credit or debit cards for the transaction of business shall print more than the last five digits of the card account number or print the card expiration date on a credit or debit card receipt. This includes all receipts kept by the person or provided to the cardholder. This section shall apply only to receipts that are electronically printed and shall not apply to transactions in which the sole means of recording the card number is by handwriting or by an imprint or copy of the credit or debit card.
Payment by Credit or Debit Card
WAAC 46.01.235 allows the use of credit and debit cards for payment of fees and excise taxes to the department and its agents or subagents related to the licensing of drivers, the issuance of identicards, and vehicle and vessel certificates of title and registration. The department may establish a convenience fee to be paid by the credit or debit card user whenever a credit or debit card is chosen as the payment method. The fee must be sufficient to offset the charges imposed on the department and its agents and subagents by credit and debit card companies.
Therefore, you can collect debit card information from participants in Washington, but you must comply with the restrictions on credit and debit card receipts outlined in WARC 19.200.010. Additionally, if you are charging fees or taxes, you may establish a convenience fee to be paid by the credit or debit card user.