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Can I collect cryptocurrency information from participants in Nevada? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it appears that cryptocurrency exchange facilitators in Nevada are required to be licensed by the Division of Financial Institutions [1.3]. However, the documents do not provide specific information on whether or not you can collect cryptocurrency information from participants in Nevada.
To obtain a license as an exchange facilitator, an applicant must submit a complete set of fingerprints for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any other governmental agency or entity authorized to receive such information [1.5]. Additionally, the Commissioner may require an applicant to submit additional materials in accordance with guidelines of the Registry or other multistate agreements [1.5].
The Commissioner may participate in the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, and may require an applicant for a license or a licensee to use the Registry to apply for the issuance or renewal of a license, amend or surrender a license, submit any reports or the results of any examination that the Commissioner may require, pay any applicable fees, and engage in any other activity that the Commissioner may require [1.1].
The Commissioner is required to report regularly any violations of applicable laws committed by applicants for licenses or licensees, enforcement actions and other relevant information to the Registry [2.1][1.2]. The Commissioner may enter into agreements or sharing arrangements with other governmental agencies, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, the State Regulatory Registry, LLC, or other associations representing governmental agencies [2.1][1.2].
Regarding the collection of cryptocurrency information from participants in Nevada, there is no specific information available in the provided documents. However, it is important to note that no agency of criminal justice in Nevada may disseminate any record of criminal history which includes information about a felony or a gross misdemeanor without first making inquiry of the Central Repository, to obtain the most current and complete information available [3.1].
In summary, while the documents do not provide specific information on whether or not you can collect cryptocurrency information from participants in Nevada, exchange facilitators are required to be licensed and must submit fingerprints and other materials as required by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may also require the use of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry and may enter into agreements with other governmental agencies. Additionally, agencies of criminal justice in Nevada are required to make inquiries of the Central Repository before disseminating any record of criminal history.
- [1.1] Commissioner authorized to take action to participate; charges for use; regulations; provisions do not replace or affect authority of Commissioner regarding licensing. [Effective on the date on which the Commissioner of Financial Institutions notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry has sufficient capabilities to allow the Commissioner to carry out the provisions of chapter 347, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2030.]
- [2.1] Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry: Commissioner required to report certain information or material; confidentiality of information or material provided; Commissioner authorized to enter into certain agreements and arrangements. [Effective on the date on which the Commissioner of Financial Institutions notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry has sufficient capabilities to allow the Commissioner to carry out the provisions of chapter 347, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2030.]
- [1.2] Commissioner required to report certain information or material; confidentiality of information or material provided; Commissioner authorized to enter into certain agreements and arrangements. [Effective on the date on which the Commissioner of Financial Institutions notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry has sufficient capabilities to allow the Commissioner to carry out the provisions of chapter 347, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2030.]
- [1.3] License required; regulations; application; fingerprints; issuance and renewal of license. [Effective until the date on which the Commissioner of Financial Institutions notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry has sufficient capabilities to allow the Commissioner to carry out the provisions of chapter 347, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2030.]
- [3.1] Prerequisite to dissemination of records; exceptions.
- [1.5] Additional materials required to be submitted. [Effective on the date on which the Commissioner of Financial Institutions notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry has sufficient capabilities to allow the Commissioner to carry out the provisions of chapter 347, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2030.]