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Can I collect bank account information from participants in Mississippi? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, it is unclear whether you can collect bank account information from participants in Mississippi. However, there are requirements for requesting information in Mississippi.
Requestor Information [5 MSAC Part 4 Chapter 3 Rule 3.6, Rule 3.6]
Each request for information must include the full name, telephone number, and mailing address of the requestor. All requests shall be signed by the person filing the request, unless represented by an attorney, in which case the attorney may sign the request. The signing party shall attest that the request complies with the requirements set forth in these rules, including but not limited to a full, complete, and accurate statement of relevant facts and that there are no related proceedings pending before any agency, administrative or judicial tribunal. A request must be limited to a single transaction or occurrence.
Therefore, if you need to request bank account information from participants in Mississippi, you must follow the requirements set forth in the above rule.
Please note that this response is based solely on the documents provided and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that you consult with a licensed attorney for specific legal advice regarding your situation.