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Can I collect age information from participants in West Virginia? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, there are specific requirements for collecting age information from participants in West Virginia depending on the program or activity. Please see the following information:
Testing of Individuals 16, 17, or 18 Years of Age.
Individuals who are 16, 17, or 18 years of age are eligible to sit for the HSEA under certain circumstances [1.1]. However, the document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Testing of Individuals 16, 17, or 18 Years of Age Participating in ODTP or Government Program.
Individuals, at least 16 years of age, who are participating in a ODTP educational program, may test under certain conditions [1.2]. However, the document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Confidentiality of information.
Records received and information assembled by the birth defects information system pursuant to section two of this article are confidential medical records [2.1]. However, this document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Confidential Information, Utilization of Information, and Permitted Disclosures of Information.
Any information collected and maintained pursuant to this rule by the Registry which identifies an individual as having Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder is “confidential information” and exempt from disclosure to third parties [3.1]. However, this document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Programs and Services.
Program providers shall consider and be responsive to the needs of individuals in the community or region who are identified as most in need of adult education and literacy activities, including individuals who have low levels of literacy skills or who are English language learners [4.1]. However, this document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Adult Education and Literacy Activities.
To be eligible for enrollment in an adult education program, an individual must have attained 16 years of age [4.3]. However, this document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Falsification of the High School Equivalency Assessment Information and/or Center Violations.
Any falsification of information and/or cheating on the HSEA will result in penalties as outlined in the testing guidelines for WVDE Examiners’ Manual [1.3]. However, this document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Eligible Provider.
To be an eligible provider of adult education programs, a provider must be an organization that has demonstrated effectiveness in providing adult education and literacy activities [4.4]. However, this document does not provide any specific requirements for collecting age information from participants.
Based on the documents provided, there are no specific requirements for collecting age information from participants in West Virginia.
- [1.1] Testing of Individuals 16, 17, or 18 Years of Age.
- [1.2] Testing of Individuals 16, 17, or 18 Years of Age Participating in ODTP or Government Program.
- [2.1] Confidentiality of information.
- [3.1] Confidential Information, Utilization of Information, and Permitted Disclosures of Information.
- [4.1] §126-57-4.
- [4.3] Individual Eligibility.
- [1.3] Falsification of the High School Equivalency Assessment Information and/or Center Violations.
- [4.4] Eligible Provider.
West Virginia