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Can I collect age information from participants in New Mexico? What are the requirements?
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Age Information Collection Requirements for Participants in New Mexico
If you are looking to collect age information from participants in New Mexico, there are specific requirements you must follow. The requirements vary depending on the program in question.
Age of Majority
In New Mexico, a person who has reached their eighteenth birthday is considered to have reached their majority and is an adult for all purposes, except as provided by existing law [2.1].
Application Process and Issuing Agency
When it is necessary to solicit applications for area agency on aging designation, the New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department (NMALTSD) provides public notice of the need to solicit applications for designation and the process by which an entity can apply for such designation [4.1][5.1][6.1].
These rules apply to members of the public and organizations that participate in the delivery of services to New Mexico’s aging and disability populations [7.1].
Therefore, depending on the program, you may be able to collect age information from participants in New Mexico. Please note that additional screening and verification may be required for certain placements. [2.1][4.1][5.1][6.1][7.1]
- [2.1] Age of majority; eighteen years; exception.
- [7.1] SCOPE
New Mexico