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Can I avoid tracking unique users or website visitors in Washington? What are the requirements?
Requirements for avoiding tracking unique users or website visitors in Washington
Washington State does not have a specific law or regulation that requires websites to avoid tracking unique users or website visitors. However, it is recommended that you follow best practices for website privacy and security, such as using secure connections (HTTPS), providing clear and concise privacy policies, and obtaining user consent for any data collection or tracking.
If you are a state or local government agency or a university in Washington, you must retain all web content in accordance with the approved retention schedules and provide identifying information on each page. Additionally, you must provide contact information for your public records office on your website [WAAC 434-662-140][WAAC 504-45-020].
There are no specific requirements for avoiding tracking unique users or website visitors for non-governmental entities in Washington. However, the Washington State Patrol operates a statewide sexual assault kit tracking system, which requires the use of unique identifiers for each kit [WAAC 446-95-010][WAAC 446-95-030][WAAC 446-95-060].
In summary, while there are no specific requirements for non-governmental entities to avoid tracking unique users or website visitors in Washington, it is recommended that you follow best practices for website privacy and security. If you are a state or local government agency or a university in Washington, you must retain all web content in accordance with the approved retention schedules and provide identifying information on each page. Additionally, you must provide contact information for your public records office on your website.