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Can I terminate employees without violating employment laws in Maryland? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, there are several employment laws in Maryland that employers must comply with when terminating employees. Here are some requirements that employers must follow:
At-Will Employment [1.2]
Maryland is an at-will employment state, which means that employers can terminate employees for any reason, as long as it is not an illegal reason. However, employers cannot terminate employees in violation of other employment laws, such as discrimination laws.
Discrimination Laws [1.1][1.3][1.9]
Employers cannot terminate employees based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. Employers also cannot retaliate against employees for reporting discrimination or participating in discrimination investigations. Employers must comply with the Maryland Fair Employment Practices Act, which prohibits discrimination in employment.
Sexual Harassment [1.2]
Employers cannot terminate employees for reporting or asserting a right or remedy based on sexual harassment. Employers also cannot take retaliatory action against employees that would dissuade a reasonable employee from making a complaint, bringing an action, or testifying in an action regarding a violation of this section.
Wage and Hour Laws [1.4]
Employers must comply with the Maryland Wage and Hour Law, which governs minimum wage, overtime pay, and other wage-related issues. Employers must pay employees at least the minimum wage and overtime pay for hours worked over 40 hours per week. Employers must also keep accurate records of hours worked and wages paid.
Unemployment Benefits [1.1]
An individual who otherwise is eligible to receive unemployment benefits is disqualified from receiving benefits if the Secretary finds that unemployment results from voluntarily leaving work without good cause. The Secretary may find that a cause for voluntarily leaving is good cause only if the cause is directly attributable to, arising from, or connected with the conditions of employment or the actions of the employing unit.
In summary, employers in Maryland must comply with various employment laws and regulations, including at-will employment, discrimination laws, sexual harassment laws, wage and hour laws, and unemployment benefits laws. Employers cannot terminate employees in violation of these laws. If you have specific questions about terminating employees, it is recommended that you consult with an employment law attorney.
- [1.1] Section 3-307
- [1.2] Section 3-715
- [1.3] Section 3-711
- [1.4] Section 3-431
- [1.9] Section 3-306
- [1.1] Section 8-1001