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Can I offer a 401(k) plan to my employees in South Dakota? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, South Dakota does not have any specific requirements for offering a 401(k) plan to employees. However, employers who offer retirement plans must comply with federal regulations such as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
Employers who offer a retirement plan must ensure that the plan meets the requirements of ERISA and the IRC, including but not limited to:
- Offering the plan to all eligible employees
- Providing employees with information about the plan
- Making contributions to the plan in a timely manner
- Following the plan’s vesting schedule
- Adhering to contribution limits
Employers may also consider consulting with a financial advisor or retirement plan specialist to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.
Note: This response is based on the provided context documents and is not intended to be legal advice. Employers should consult with a qualified attorney or financial advisor for specific guidance on offering a retirement plan to employees.
- [1.1] Existing regents’ contracts preserved–Expansion of retirement plan–Transition.
- [1.2] Existing regents’ contracts preserved–Expansion of retirement plan–Transition.
- [1.3] Contributory service credited to Board of Regents employees–Eligibility of nonparticipating employees–Qualification for prior credited service.
South Dakota