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Can I use social media to fundraise in Oregon? What are the requirements?
Fundraising on Social Media in Oregon
Oregon law does not have specific regulations on using social media for fundraising. However, if you plan to use social media to fundraise, you should be aware of the following:
- If you are fundraising for a nonprofit organization, you must comply with Oregon’s charitable solicitation laws [1.2].
- If you are using social media to solicit donations, you should clearly state the purpose of the fundraising and how the donations will be used [1.2].
- If you are receiving donations through a third-party platform, such as GoFundMe or Kickstarter, you should review the platform’s terms and conditions to ensure compliance [1.2].
- If you are using social media to fundraise for a political campaign, you must comply with Oregon’s campaign finance laws [1.7].
It is important to note that the above information is not an exhaustive list of requirements and regulations. You should consult with a legal professional for specific advice on fundraising through social media in Oregon.
[ [1.2] Oregon Administrative Rules, Employer Access to Employee or Applicant Social Media Accounts: Unlawful Employment Practice
[ [1.7] Oregon Administrative Rules, Media Access to Facilities
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
- [1.2] Employer Access to Employee or Applicant Social Media Accounts: Unlawful Employment Practice
- [1.7] Media Access to Facilities