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Can I use social media to fundraise in Colorado? What are the requirements?
Using Social Media for Fundraising in Colorado
Colorado law allows charities to use social media for fundraising, but there are certain requirements that must be met.
According to the Colorado Secretary of State, charities must register with the state before soliciting donations [1]. Additionally, charities must disclose certain information to potential donors, such as the purpose of the solicitation and the percentage of donations that will go towards the charitable purpose [1].
Furthermore, charities must comply with federal laws, such as the Hatch Act, which prohibits partisan political activity while on duty, in a federal facility, wearing a uniform or official insignia, or using a government vehicle [2]. Charities are also prohibited from soliciting, accepting, or receiving political contributions at any time [2].
It is important to note that declining proceeds and lack of volunteer support continue to drive the need for fundraising, and charities are turning to social media to meet their fundraising needs [3].
In summary, charities can use social media for fundraising in Colorado, but they must register with the state, disclose certain information to potential donors, and comply with federal laws such as the Hatch Act.
- [1] Internet and Social Media Solicitations
- [2] Political Activities
- [3] Declining proceeds and lack of volunteer support continue to drive …