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Can I offer a money-back guarantee for my product or service in Oregon? What are the requirements?
Based on the context documents, there are no specific requirements or restrictions on offering a money-back guarantee for a product or service in Oregon. However, it is important to ensure that any terms and conditions of the guarantee are clearly communicated to customers and comply with applicable consumer protection laws.
Under ORS 81.150, a consumer may revoke a provision in a consumer contract that requires the consumer to assert a claim against the other party to the contract, or respond to a claim by the other party to the contract, in a forum that is not in Oregon. This may be relevant if the money-back guarantee includes a requirement for dispute resolution outside of Oregon.
Additionally, under ORS 717.215, each licensee engaging in money transmission in Oregon must have a net worth of not less than $100,000, calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. This may be relevant if the money-back guarantee involves a refund of money transmitted by the licensee.
Overall, while there are no specific requirements or restrictions on offering a money-back guarantee in Oregon, it is important to ensure that any terms and conditions comply with applicable laws and regulations.