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Can I offer a money-back guarantee for my product or service in California? What are the requirements?
Money-Back Guarantee Requirements in California
To offer a money-back guarantee for a product or service in California, businesses must comply with the requirements set forth in the California Civil Code [1.1]. Specifically, Section 1748.40 of the California Civil Code defines a refund as a return of a sum of money to a customer who has overpaid for services or property or is otherwise owed money by the business.
Additionally, if a business offers a refund to a customer via a prepaid debit card for a purchase initiated by the customer in California, the business shall provide the customer with at least one other method of receiving the refund other than a prepaid debit card [1.1].
Prescription Drug Take-Back Services
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Businesses in California may offer a money-back guarantee, but they must provide refunds in compliance with the California Civil Code.