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Can I offer a freemium version of my product or service in Oregon? What are the requirements?
Offering Freemium Version of Product or Service in Oregon
In Oregon, there are no specific regulations that govern the offering of freemium versions of products or services. However, businesses must comply with certain requirements when offering products or services, including those that are offered for free.
Business License
If you plan to offer your product or service in Oregon, you may need to obtain a business license. According to ORS 468B.050, any person who engages in any business, trade, profession, occupation, or other calling within the state of Oregon must obtain a license unless the person is exempt from the licensing requirement. You can apply for a business license through the Oregon Secretary of State’s website [2.1].
Seller Training Programs
If your business involves the sale or service of alcoholic beverages, you may need to ensure that your employees complete an approved seller training program. According to ORAR 845-009-0150, an employee of a liquor licensee or retail sales agent who has sold, given, or otherwise made available alcohol to a minor may receive a reduced criminal penalty if the employee either holds a valid Oregon service permit or has completed a Commission-approved training program. To obtain Commission approval of a seller training program, an applicant must submit a completed application packet provided by the Commission, have a program that meets the Commission’s Clerk Training Course Minimum Standards, and explain in writing how the program will provide written certification of program completion to each seller who completes the training program [1.2].
If your business involves obtaining a license or permit, you must pay the required fees. According to ORAR 331-440-0000, fees established by the Office include application fees, examination fees, original issuance of license fees, permit and waiver fees, renewal of license fees, delinquent renewal of license fees, reinstatement fees, replacement of license fees, duplicate license fees, and affidavit of licensure fees. An additional administrative processing fee will be assessed if a non-sufficient funds or non-negotiable instrument is received for payment of fees, penalties, and charges [6.1].
In summary, there are no specific regulations that govern the offering of freemium versions of products or services in Oregon. However, businesses must comply with certain requirements when offering products or services, including those that are offered for free. If you plan to offer your product or service in Oregon, you may need to obtain a business license. If your business involves the sale or service of alcoholic beverages, you may need to ensure that your employees complete an approved seller training program. Finally, if your business involves obtaining a license or permit, you must pay the required fees [2.1][1.2][6.1].
- [2.1] Alcohol Server Education Renewal Requirements for Service Permittees and Licensees; Examination; Approval Standards and Process
- [1.2] Approved Seller Training Programs
- [6.1] Fees