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Can I offer contests that involve website promotions in New Mexico? What are the requirements?
Based on the context documents, it is possible to offer contests that involve website promotions in New Mexico, but there are specific requirements that must be met.
Requirements for Contests Involving Website Promotions in New Mexico
According to [1.1], any game promotion that requires consideration in order to participate must make certain disclosures in each and every representation made in connection with the game promotion, including all advertising and promotional literature. These disclosures include:
- The number of prizes to be awarded in each category or denomination, and a complete description of all prizes, including the exact monetary amount of cash prizes.
- The odds of winning each stated prize.
- The total amount of consideration necessary in order to be eligible for the first prize in each category or denomination.
- The manner in which winners in each category or denomination shall be selected.
- The complete name and address of the sponsor, user or promoter.
- The geographic area covered.
- The opening date and scheduled termination date.
- The scheduled announcement date of the winners and the date and manner of award of prizes.
Additionally, [2.1] requires small loan businesses operating one or more marketing site(s) to provide all mandatory disclosures and consumer information required by Subsection C of NMAC and Subsection A of NMAC to consumers. The required disclosures and consumer information shall be easily accessible to consumers to review on a New Mexico specific web page maintained by the small loan company.
To offer contests that involve website promotions in New Mexico, it is necessary to comply with the requirements outlined in [1.1] and [2.1]. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in legal consequences.
New Mexico