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Can I offer contests that involve website promotions in Kentucky? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, there are no specific regulations or requirements in Kentucky that prohibit offering contests that involve website promotions. However, it is recommended to comply with general advertising and marketing laws and regulations in Kentucky.
According to Section 11 of 300 KYAR 1:010, tourism advertisements may be placed on electronic media such as the Internet. It is important to note that advertisements should include the official state advertising brand according to the Graphic Standards established by the Kentucky Department of Tourism.
Additionally, if the contest involves a prize, it is recommended to comply with the Kentucky Consumer Protection Act, which prohibits false or misleading advertising and requires that the terms and conditions of the contest be clearly disclosed to participants.
It is also recommended to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
If the contest involves horse racing, it is important to comply with the regulations set forth in KYRS 230.377 and KYRS 230.398. KYRS 230.398 requires that all sums reported and paid to the racing commission by any licensee conducting a harness race meeting shall be used for purses at harness racing events at county fairs within the Commonwealth of Kentucky that have been licensed and approved by it. KYRS 230.377 outlines the award of simulcasting and intertrack wagering dates and provides regulations for the conduct of intertrack or interstate wagering.
Overall, while there are no specific regulations regarding website promotions and contests in Kentucky, it is important to comply with general advertising and marketing laws and regulations and to ensure that the terms and conditions of the contest are clearly disclosed to participants. It is also important to comply with any applicable regulations related to horse racing.
[300 KYAR 1:010 Section 11][KYRS 230.377][KYRS 230.398][2.1][2.2]
- [2.1] Funds to be used for purses at harness racing events at county fairs.
- [2.2] Award of simulcasting and intertrack wagering dates.