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Can I offer contests that involve VIP programs in Utah? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, there are specific requirements for conducting contests in Utah. The requirements vary depending on the type of contest and the species of fish involved.
Regarding VIP programs, there is no specific mention of them in the provided documents. However, if the VIP program involves a contest, then the requirements for conducting contests in Utah would apply.
To conduct a contest in Utah, a Certificate of Registration (COR) from the Division of Wildlife Resources is required [1.1][1.2][1.4]. The COR application must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the contest and must include a complete schedule of entry fees, cash awards, and prize values, as well as documentation of the number of participants and information regarding the use of live weigh-in [1.4].
Contestants may not possess fish species, numbers of fish, or sizes of fish that are in violation of the proclamation approved by the Utah Wildlife Board [1.1]. Additionally, fish taken in certified fishing contests may not be culled or otherwise released alive after possession [1.1][1.3].
If the contest involves tagging fish, then the tagging of fish must be conducted only by division personnel or by designated representatives working under the direct supervision of the division [1.1][1.2].
If the contest involves unarmed combat, then there are specific rules made by the commission that must be followed [2.1][2.3].
In summary, if the VIP program involves a contest, then the requirements for conducting contests in Utah would apply. A COR from the Division of Wildlife Resources is required, and contestants must comply with the rules and regulations regarding fish species, numbers, and sizes. If the contest involves tagging fish, then the tagging must be conducted by division personnel or designated representatives. If the contest involves unarmed combat, then there are specific rules made by the commission that must be followed.
- [1.1] Requirements for Certified Fishing Contests.
- [1.2] Requirements for Tagged Fish Contests.
- [2.1] Contests. (Effective 7/1/2022)
- [1.3] Requirements for Type I Fishing Contests for Cold Water Fish Species.
- [1.4] Certificate of Registration (COR) and General Requirements.
- [2.3] Rules for the conduct of contests. (Effective 7/1/2022)