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Can I offer contests that involve travel prizes in South Dakota? What are the requirements?
Based on the context documents, it appears that contests involving travel prizes are not explicitly addressed in South Dakota lottery laws. However, there are requirements for lottery retailers, video lottery licensees, and prize payment and validation that may be relevant to your question.
Requirements for Lottery Retailers and Video Lottery Licensees
To be selected as a lottery retailer or video lottery machine operator in South Dakota, a person must be of good character and reputation, have sufficient financial resources to support the activities required to sell lottery tickets or place and service video lottery machines, and be current in payment of all taxes, interest, and penalties owed to the State of South Dakota, excluding items under formal dispute or appeal pursuant to applicable statutes [1.3]. Additionally, any person licensed as a video lottery machine manufacturer, distributor, operator, or lottery retailer must submit to a background investigation [1.2].
Prize Payment and Validation
Prizes may be paid only on valid tickets which satisfy all the requirements in chapter 48:03:03 and other confidential validation and security checks of the lottery. The submission of a winning ticket to the lottery or its authorized on-line retailer is the only method for claiming a prize or prizes [2.1]. To claim an instant game cash prize of more than $100 or any noncash prize, a player shall complete the back of the winning ticket and fill out a claim form obtained from any retailer and either mail or hand deliver the completed form, together with the winning ticket, to the lottery for validation [3.1].
Based on the context documents, there are no explicit requirements for contests involving travel prizes in South Dakota lottery laws. However, there are requirements for lottery retailers, video lottery licensees, and prize payment and validation that may be relevant to your question. It is recommended that you consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
- [2.1] Prize payment and validation.
- [1.2] Background investigation of video lottery licensees–Eligibility requirements.
- [1.3] Qualifications of lottery retailer.
- [3.1] Procedure for claiming prize of more than $100 – Noncash prizes.
South Dakota