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Can I offer contests that involve travel prizes in Maryland? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, it is possible to offer contests that involve travel prizes in Maryland. However, there are requirements that must be met to claim a prize.
Requirements for Prize Payment [1.4]
To claim a prize, a winner shall submit the actual original ticket, which shall meet the validation requirements of this subtitle. If requested, the ticket must be signed by all winners. If the prize is claimed at an Agency claim center or for any prize over $600 claimed at a retailer, the winner shall sign the original ticket, provide necessary information to the retailer to produce a terminal-generated claim form, submit a fully completed and signed claim form, and provide sufficient information to identify the claimant, such as the winner’s Social Security number, proof of the winner’s Social Security number, and photo identification proof that the winner is at least 18 years old.
Payment of Prizes [1.1]
A retailer shall pay the holder of a winning lottery ticket up to $600 upon submission and validation of the ticket. If the winning ticket entitles the holder to a prize that is more than $600, the retailer shall instruct the ticket holder to seek payment from the Agency or a retailer participating in the Expanded Cashing Authority Program.
General [2.2]
An assignment is permitted as authorized by State Government Article, §9-122(b)(1)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland. The manner by which an assignment may be processed is as provided in State Government Article, §9-122(b)(1)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland.
Contracting for the Conduct of Raffles [3.1]
If a charitable organization undertaking a raffle of real property agrees to compensate any other person for assistance in conducting the raffle, the charitable organization shall file a copy of that agreement, which shall be in writing, with the Secretary of State within 10 days of its execution. Any party to that agreement, other than the charitable organization, shall register with the Secretary of State as a “professional solicitor”, pursuant to the provisions of Business Regulation Article, Title 6, Annotated Code of Maryland, and conform with all applicable provisions of those sections.
Based on the documents provided, there are no specific requirements for travel prizes. However, the winner must meet the requirements for prize payment and the contest must comply with the regulations for raffles.
- [1.1] Payment of Prizes.
- [3.1] Contracting for the Conduct of Raffles.
- [1.4] Documents Required for Prize Payment.
- [2.2] General.