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Can I offer contests that involve travel prizes in Alabama? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, it appears that contests involving travel prizes are not explicitly addressed in Alabama law. However, there are regulations regarding the use of funds for prizes and premiums for exhibits at fairs and livestock shows.
Requirements for Offering Contests with Travel Prizes in Alabama
If you plan to offer contests with travel prizes in Alabama, you should ensure that the prizes comply with the regulations set forth in Alabama Code Title 2, Chapter 7, Article 1. This article outlines the requirements for the use of funds appropriated to the Alabama State Fair Authority for the payment of premiums, rewards, or prizes for exhibits.
According to Alabama Code § 2-7-2, funds appropriated to the commission shall be used exclusively for premiums, prizes, or rewards for exhibits, and no portion of said moneys shall be used or allocated for overhead or other expenses of the Alabama State Fair Authority. The exhibits and shows referred to in subdivisions (1) to (11), inclusive, are hereinafter referred to as “the exhibits.”
Alabama Code § 2-7-5 specifies that the Alabama State Fair Authority shall expend and disburse said funds for the purposes and only for the purposes specified in this article. All moneys appropriated to the commission shall be used exclusively for premiums, prizes or rewards for the exhibits, and no portion of said moneys shall be used or allocated for overhead or other expenses of the Alabama State Fair Authority.
Additionally, Alabama Code § 5-27-5 limits the maximum prize or award to $12,500 for savings promotion contests offered in Alabama.
Based on the documents provided, there are no explicit regulations regarding contests with travel prizes in Alabama. However, if you plan to offer such contests, you should ensure that the prizes comply with the regulations set forth in Alabama Code Title 2, Chapter 7, Article 1 and Alabama Code § 5-27-5. If you have any further questions or concerns, you may want to consult with a legal professional.