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Can I offer contests that involve skill-based games in New Hampshire? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, it appears that offering contests that involve skill-based games in New Hampshire is legal, but there are certain requirements that must be met.
Requirements for Offering Skill-Based Contests in New Hampshire
According to [NHCAR Saf-C 1703.10][1.2], each applicant for an IRP registration shall submit a copy of a title certificate from a state of current registration. This means that if you are offering a contest that involves a vehicle as a prize, you must provide a title certificate for that vehicle.
Additionally, [NHCAR Env-A 4104.03][1.4] defines “New Hampshire sales” as the sales per year in New Hampshire, in pounds of product, less packaging and container, for either the calendar year immediately prior to the year that the registration is due or, if that data is not available, any consecutive 12-month period commencing no earlier than 2 years prior to the due date of the registration. This means that if you are offering a contest that involves the sale of a product, you must keep track of the sales made in New Hampshire and report them accordingly.
Based on the provided context documents, it appears that offering contests that involve skill-based games in New Hampshire is legal, but there are certain requirements that must be met. These requirements include providing a title certificate for any vehicle prizes and keeping track of and reporting sales made in New Hampshire for any product prizes.
New Hampshire