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Can I offer contests that involve referral bonuses in Michigan? What are the requirements?
Based on the additional context documents, it appears that offering contests that involve referral bonuses in Michigan is not explicitly addressed. However, there are regulations in place for certain types of contests and games of chance in Michigan.
Fantasy Contests
According to MICL 432.503 and MICL 432.508, a person shall not offer fantasy contests in Michigan unless the person is a licensed fantasy contest operator. To become licensed, a person seeking to be licensed as a fantasy contest operator shall submit an application, with the license fee under subsection (9), to the board. The applicant shall provide sufficient documentation to the board to ensure that the applicant meets the requirements for licensure as determined by the board. The board may require licensure of a holding company, management company, or any other person it considers sufficiently connected to the fantasy contest operator if that licensure is necessary to preserve the integrity of fantasy contests and protect fantasy contest players. Additionally, a fantasy contest must not be offered on, at, or from any kiosk or machine physically located in a retail business location, bar, restaurant, or other commercial establishment, a place of public accommodation, or a facility owned, operated, or occupied by a private club, association, or similar membership-based organization.
Raffle Ticket Sellers
According to MIAC R 432.21514 and MIAC R 432.21503, raffle ticket sellers may be nonmembers of the licensee. Raffle ticket sellers must be 18 years of age or older. Raffle ticket sellers in a licensed raffle, other than an in-house raffle, shall not be entitled to and shall not receive anything of value for their services except as prescribed by R 432.21517. Raffle ticket sellers in a licensed in-house raffle shall not be entitled to and shall not receive anything of value for their services except as prescribed by R 432.21516 and R 432.21517. A qualified organization applying for a raffle license shall meet the requirements of R 432.21204. All drawing locations shall be the same if a raffle license is issued for more than 1 date.
Based on the context documents, there are no explicit regulations regarding contests that involve referral bonuses in Michigan. However, there are regulations in place for certain types of contests and games of chance. It is recommended that you consult with a legal professional to determine the legality of offering contests that involve referral bonuses in Michigan.