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Can I offer contests that involve push notifications in Pennsylvania? What are the requirements?
Offering Contests with Push Notifications in Pennsylvania
Based on the provided context documents, there are no specific requirements mentioned regarding offering contests that involve push notifications in Pennsylvania. However, it is important to note that each fantasy contest license holder must establish and implement procedures governing the conduct of fantasy contests, as approved by the Board [2.2]. These procedures must include, at a minimum, all of the requirements listed in Section 1205a.2 of the Pennsylvania Code [2.2].
If you plan to offer contests that involve push notifications, it is recommended that you ensure your procedures comply with all relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, advertisements related to fantasy contests used by a licensed operator through any form of media, Internet application, or fantasy contest terminal or its agent may not contain false or misleading information, portray participation in sporting events by minors, represent endorsements by minors, college athletes, colleges or college athletic associations, or fail to disclose conditions or limiting factors associated with the advertisement [5.1].
There are no specific requirements mentioned regarding offering contests that involve push notifications in Pennsylvania, but it is recommended to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. If you have any further questions or concerns, it is recommended that you consult with a legal professional.