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Can I offer contests that involve mobile apps in Washington? What are the requirements?
Offering Contests Involving Mobile Apps in Washington
Washington State has specific regulations for contests of chance, including promotional contests and raffles. However, there are no specific regulations for contests that involve mobile apps.
If the contest involves chance, it may be considered a promotional contest of chance and must comply with the regulations outlined in WAAC 230-18-010 [1.1]. This means that participants cannot be charged a fee to participate, and the prizes awarded must be merchandise items valued at less than $25 each. The business must also record the names of winners and prizes won for each game.
If the contest involves a raffle, it must comply with the regulations outlined in WAAC 230-11-310 [3.1] and WAAC 230-11-065 [3.3]. This means that the electronic raffle system used must be approved by the state and must operate on a secure network independent from the home game authorized location network. The prizes awarded must be owned by the organization before the date of the drawing, and the organization must have on deposit an unencumbered amount of money that is equal to or greater than all cash prizes being offered in the raffle.
If the contest is an enhanced raffle, the organization must have an independent audit conducted on each enhanced raffle and the associated smaller raffles, as outlined in WAAC 230-11-103 [3.5].
Promotional game cards similar to pull-tabs can be used as part of a promotional contest of chance if the game cards are readily distinguishable from other pull-tabs sold in the state of Washington, are designed and manufactured for a specific PCOC, clearly display the name of the sponsoring business or the promoted product(s), have no price per play on the card, and have the official rules of play, including “no purchase necessary,” printed on the back, as outlined in WAAC 230-18-015 [1.2].
In summary, there are no specific regulations for contests that involve mobile apps in Washington State. However, if the contest involves chance or a raffle, it must comply with the regulations outlined in WAAC 230-18-010 [1.1], WAAC 230-11-310 [3.1], and WAAC 230-11-065 [3.3]. If the contest is an enhanced raffle, the organization must also have an independent audit conducted, as outlined in WAAC 230-11-103 [3.5]. Promotional game cards similar to pull-tabs can also be used as part of a promotional contest of chance, as outlined in WAAC 230-18-015 [1.2].
- [1.1] Promotional contests of chance similar to bingo.
- [1.2] Promotional game cards used in promotional contests of chance.
- [3.1] Electronic raffle system requirements.
- [3.3] Raffle prizes.
- [3.5] Independent audit required for enhanced raffles.