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Can I offer contests that involve loyalty programs in New Hampshire? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, there are no specific laws or regulations in New Hampshire that prohibit offering contests that involve loyalty programs. However, it is important to ensure that such contests comply with general consumer protection laws and regulations in the state.
One relevant regulation is the Duty of Loyalty [1.3], which requires directors of a foundation to manage the foundation and its property solely in the interests of the foundation’s purposes and the beneficiaries’ interests. This regulation may be relevant if the loyalty program is associated with a foundation.
Additionally, if the contests involve sales in New Hampshire, the regulations regarding “New Hampshire sales” [2.2] and “Calculating New Hampshire Sales” [2.3] may be relevant.
It is recommended to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
Therefore, you can offer contests that involve loyalty programs in New Hampshire as long as they comply with general consumer protection laws and regulations in the state.
- [2.2] “New Hampshire sales”
- [2.3] Calculating New Hampshire Sales
- [1.3] Duty of Loyalty.
New Hampshire