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Can I offer contests that involve loyalty programs in Maryland? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it is unclear whether offering contests that involve loyalty programs in Maryland is allowed. However, there are regulations related to sports wagering that may be relevant to the query.
To determine the requirements for offering such contests, more information is needed on the specific type of contest and the nature of the loyalty program. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional or contact the Maryland State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency for further guidance.
If the contests involve sports wagering, the following regulations may be relevant:
- A person may not be employed by a licensed sports wagering facility, mobile sports wagering licensee, online sports wagering operator, sports wagering facility operator, or sports wagering contractor to perform functions or provide services related to sports wagering unless they hold a valid sports wagering employee license issued by the Commission [2.1].
- The Commission issues different types of sports wagering facility licenses based on the number of employees and annual aggregate gross receipts of the applicant’s businesses [3.3][3.4][3.5].
Therefore, the answer to the query is:
Based on the provided documents, it is unclear whether offering contests that involve loyalty programs in Maryland is allowed. More information is needed on the specific type of contest and the nature of the loyalty program. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional or contact the Maryland State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency for further guidance. If the contests involve sports wagering, additional regulations related to sports wagering may apply, including the requirement for a valid sports wagering employee license and different types of sports wagering facility licenses based on the number of employees and annual aggregate gross receipts of the applicant's businesses.
- [2.1] Sports Wagering Employee Licenses.
- [3.3] Class B-2 Sports Wagering Facility License.
- [3.4] Class A-2 Sports Wagering Facility License.
- [3.5] Process for Obtaining a Sports Wagering Facility License.