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Can I offer contests that involve in-game promotions in Oklahoma? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided context documents, it is possible to offer contests that involve in-game promotions in Oklahoma. However, there are specific requirements that must be met to ensure compliance with the law.
Requirements for in-game promotions
According to OKAC 429:15-1-14, the Oklahoma Lottery Commission (OLC) must make available to retailers and the public promotional procedures for each Lottery Game Promotion prior to the promotion being introduced to the public for participation via the Lottery website. The Promotional Procedures shall contain, at a minimum, the following:
- Game promotion name;
- Retail sales price, if any;
- Number of winners to be drawn;
- Eligibility requirements;
- Number of prizes by prize level;
- Submission requirements;
- Prize drawings or winner selection method; and
- Deadline for player entry.
Additionally, OKAC 429:15-1-15 prohibits the direct and knowing sale of a ticket or combination of tickets to any person or entity which would guarantee such a purchaser a prize in an online game or online game promotion.
In-game promotions are allowed in Oklahoma, but they must comply with the requirements set forth by the OLC. These requirements include providing promotional procedures and ensuring that tickets or combinations of tickets are not sold in a way that guarantees a prize.