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Can I offer contests that involve free entry in Virginia? What are the requirements?
Based on the context documents, you can offer contests that involve free entry in Virginia without obtaining a license from the Director as long as the contest is not an “instant ticket” game or contest [1.1]. However, you should ensure that the contest complies with the requirements set forth in the Virginia Administrative Code, such as those related to unclaimed prizes [2.2] and registration of fantasy contest operators [3.1].
Additionally, if you plan to offer a contest that involves a prize payable over time, excluding prizes payable for the winner’s life, you may be able to voluntarily assign or pledge the prize as collateral for a loan, in whole or in part, by written contract affirming that the requirements of VACV 58.1-4020.1 have been met and endorsed by written order of a court of competent jurisdiction after a hearing [1.3].
You should also ensure that the contest complies with the validation requirements set forth in the Virginia Administrative Code [2.1]. Furthermore, you may want to consider implementing a voluntary exclusion program, which is regulated by the Virginia Administrative Code [1.2][4.1].
Therefore, if your contest involves a prize payable over time and you plan to offer the option to voluntarily assign or pledge the prize as collateral for a loan, you should ensure that the requirements of VACV 58.1-4020.1 are met. Otherwise, you can offer contests that involve free entry in Virginia without obtaining a license from the Director as long as the contest is not an “instant ticket” game or contest and complies with other relevant requirements.
- [1.1] License required for “instant ticket” games or contests
- [2.1] Validation requirements
- [2.2] Unclaimed prizes
- [1.2] Voluntary exclusion program
- [3.1] Registration of fantasy contest operators required; application for registration; issuance of registration certificate; penalty
- [4.1] Voluntary exclusion program
- [1.3] Voluntary assignment of lottery prizes or pledge as collateral for a loan; requirements for the assignees and lenders